The HOPS language

Each line of a HOPS script is an independent program and each line/program consists of a semicolon separated list of functional equations and generating functions. We shall now describe operations, functions and transformations that can be used when building such programs.

Binary operations

Operation Meaning
f + g sum of f and g
f - g difference of f and g
f ^ g f to the power g
f @ g f composed with g (can also be written f(g) when f is a name)
f ? g coefficients of f selected by nonnegative integer coefficients of g
f * g product of f and g
f / g quotient of f and g
f .* g coefficient-wise/Hadamard product of f and g
f ./ g coefficient-wise quotient of f and g


Function Meaning
diff(f) derivative of f
int(f) integral of f
sqrt(f) f^(1/2)
abs(f) f multiplied by the sign of its leading coefficient
log(f) logarithmic function
exp(f) exponential function
sin(f) sine function
cos(f) cosine function
tan(f) tangent function
sec(f) 1/cos(f)
arcsin(f) arcsine function
arccos(f) arccosine function
arctan(f) arctangent function
sinh(f) hyperbolic sine function
cosh(f) hyperbolic cosine function
tanh(f) hyperbolic tangent function
arsinh(f) area hyperbolic sine function
arcosh(f) area hyperbolic cosine function
artanh(f) area hyperbolic tangent function
laplace(f) f .* {n!}
laplacei(f) f ./ {n!}
revert(f) the compositional inverse of f
absolute(f) coefficient-wise absolute value
bisect0(f) if f={a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,...} then bisect0(f)={a0,a2,a4,...}
bisect1(f) if f={a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,...} then bisect1(f)={a1,a3,a5,...}
bous(f) Boustrophedon transform
bousi(f) inverse Boustrophedon transform
cyc(f) sum[(phi(k)/k)*log(1/(1-f(x^k)))], k>0; phi = totient function
delta(f) shift(f)-f
euler(f) Euler transform
euleri(f) inverse Euler transform
hankel(f) Hankel transform
indicator(f) if f={a_k} then indicator(f)={b_i} where b_(a_k)=1; else b_i=0
indicatorc(f) "complement" of indicator(f): substituting 0 for 1 and 1 for 0
shift(f) if f={a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,...} then shift(f)={a1,a2,a3,...}
mobius(f) Möbius transform
mobiusi(f) inverse Möbius transform
mset(f) if f={a_k} then mset(f)=product[(1-x^k)^(-a_k)], k>0
partition(f) see (Includes constant term)
point(f) laplace(x*diff(laplacei(f)))
prods(f) if f = {a0,a1,a2,...} then prods(f)={a0,a0*a1,a0*a1*a2,...}
pset(f) if f={a_k} then pset(f)=product[(1+x^k)^a_k], k>0
seq(f) 1/(1-f)
T019(f) if f={a[n]} then {a[n+2]-2*a[n+1]+a[n]}
trisect0(f) if f={a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,...} then trisect0(f)={a0,a3,a6,...}
trisect1(f) if f={a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,...} then trisect0(f)={a1,a4,a7,...}
trisect2(f) if f={a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,...} then trisect0(f)={a2,a5,a8,...}
weight(f) if f={a0,a1,a2,...} then weight(f)=(1+x^n)^a0*(1+x^n)^a1*...
dirichlet(f,g) Dirichlet convolution

A grammar for HOPS scripts

A HOPS script is a list of independent programs (prg) - one program per line:

hops = prg { "\n" prg }

A program is a list of semicolon separated commands (cmd):

prg = cmd { ";" cmd }

A command is a generating function expression (expr0) or an assignment:

cmd = expr0 | name "=" expr0

We use the precedence climbing method to define generating function expressions:

expr0 = expr0 ("+" | "-") expr0 | expr1

expr1 = expr1 ("*" | "/" | ".*" | "./") expr1 | expr2

expr2 = ("-" | "+") expr2 | expr3 "!" | expr3 "^" expr3 | expr3 "@" expr3 | expr3 "?" expr3 |expr3

expr3 = "x" | anum | tag | name | lit | "{" { terms } "}" | "[" { terms } "]" | name "(" expr0 { "," expr0 }  ")" | name expr3 | "(" expr0 ")"

lit = int

int = digit { digit }

digit = "0" | "1" | ... | "9"

alpha = "A" | "B" | ... | "Z" | "a" | "b" | ... | "z"

alphanum = alpha | digit

name = alphanum { alphanum | "_" }

terms = cexpr0 { "," expr0 } ("..." | cexpr0 | fun)

fun = the same as cexpr0 except lit = linear

linear = int | int "*n"

cexpr0 = cexpr0 ("+" | "-") cexpr0 | cexpr1

cexpr1 = cexpr1 ("*" | "/") cexpr1 | cexpr2

cexpr2 = ("+" | "-") cexpr2 | cexpr3 "!" | cexpr3 "^" cexpr3 | cexpr3

cexpr3 = lit | cexpr0